Premiera Clear Acrylic Mobile Panels

Premiera Clear Acrylic Mobile Panels
Premiera Panel Systems are sturdy 2 1/2" thick panels with extruded aluminum frames. These panels are constructed of internal wood fra,es covered with hardboard, foam, and fabric. The Premiera PL laminate components can be used in conjunction with these panels to create functional, private workstations.Clear Acrylic Mobile Panel
PRM-PPP3672SILR 36" W x 72" H List Price: $1122.00
with Feet (pair) PRM-PDELFOOTCPR
Clear Acrylic & Laminate Mobile Panel
PRM-PPP3672SICHARCLR 36" W x 72" H List Price: $1122.00
with Feet (pair) PRM-PDELFOOTCPR
Please contact your Sharp School Services sales representative for competitive pricing.